From Tragedy to Triumph: A Story of Hope, Faith, and Miracles

LIGHT in the dark

Together, we can show the world that with God, all things are possible.

These are Transformative Journeys of Faith

Light in the dark

I knew a little girl who suffered deeply
Her broken family left her lost and weeping.

Beat down, bruised, and abused.
Told no one wanted her as she was misused

Rejection and depression became her friends
Drugs and alcohol were means to her end

Surviving thoughts go through her head
Trading herself for a meal and a bed

Anger and bitterness left her cold heart whole
While guilt and shame ate her very soul

Twice she tried to the escape the pain
But twice was revived for life to sustain

Searching for love she cries out His name
And in the darkness the light overcame

A new creation in Christ Jesus she chose
How her new life will flow only God knows

Her heart is able to forgive what has been done
Her body now a temple for God and all is won

A reflection of Christ shines beyond measures
A warrior for Christ is a calling she treasures

Holy Spirit is her counselor and guide
Oh how she longs to be His bride

Love grows in her as well as us
And she owes it all to JESUS

~ HS & BS

Pretty Enough

Run, run, run little girl
Until you curl over and hurl

Stepping on and stepping off
The scale is such a lying trough

Contaminated food for swine
Not for the belly but your mind

A wicked song sings in your ears
“You’re not pretty enough” they hear

Eat this or don’t eat that
No matter the cuts you’re still fat

It’s that time again, shots here and there
Painful ouches and bruises everywhere

You paint your face, you dress to impress
A date’s wandering eyes gets you depressed

Filtered selfies fill your camera with overloads
Facebook and Snapchat’s false likes explodes

More water, costly supplements, new gyms
All an illusion that really has no real ends

Look in that mirror once again and see
There’s a lying reflection that wants to flee

Perception and perspective are two partners
Both will help but not promised to garner

No matter the color or the length of your hair
Your natural beauty will still cause a stare

Bright eyes and a bright smile that shines
The perfect height and perfect size whines

Pay attention, look closer and look deeper
The One who created you made you a Keeper

~ HS & BS

Meet the authors:
Holy Spirit & Bella Silva

As the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is the divine presence of God who empowers, guides, and transforms lives (John 14:16-17). Bella’s best friend and constant guide, the Holy Spirit, gave her the confidence, boldness, and creativity to share her life’s story. Through their partnership, they seek to inspire others to embark on a journey where God’s victory triumphs over tragedy, and together, all become vessels of Jesus’s light in a dark world.

Bella Silva is the co-author of Light in the dark. She is first and foremost a servant of the Lord. She loves God and loves people. A mother of five, she has a powerful testimony of God’s transformative grace, having gone from a homeless teenager to a successful model, actress, and entrepreneur. She currently partners with state legislators to help reform the broken systems that undermine the family structure. Driven by a passion to inspire others to know King Jesus and fulfill their God-given purpose, she demonstrates that even through all the tragedies, God turns all things for His glory. Bella forever thanks her best friend, Holy Spirit, for their partnership in life.


Interactive Book and TV Series

Interactive Book

Dive into Bella Silva’s inspiring interactive book featuring real-life stories of triumph.

TV Series Production

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Together, we can bring light to the darkest places.

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